62mm Strobe Prism Assembly with a 51⁄2 in. x 7 in. or 6 in. x 9 in. florescent orange target. The prism can be either mounted in a 0 or -30mm offset position. It works perfectly in low light conditions and all the electronics are housed in the prism canister. The battery is a Sanyo CR-1/3N; good for over 20 hours of use. Comes with a protective carry case for the target or complete system.
Strobe Prism Assembly with Target
It Strobes!
Can't find me through the trees? Try this new prism assembly with a target. The most important feature is a brillant red light blinks in the center of the prism to aid in location of the prism in the those tough situations. No more adding flagging to the 25' rod and waving it endlessly until the I-man finds you.